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While it can be very exciting to find out you’re pregnant, it can also be overwhelming or even terrifying. All of these reactions are normal.

At Alpha Center in Fort Collins, we’re here to help you consider your options regarding your pregnancy and believe that the best decision is an informed decision.

In this post, we’ll take a look at a few steps to take once you see that positive pregnancy test.

Take Time to Breathe

The first thing to do is to breathe. The shock or surprise of finding out you’re pregnant can leave your head spinning and cast doubt on the future.

By taking time to relax and calm yourself, you can think more clearly about what your options are and what the next thing to do will be. In Colorado, you do not have to make a firm decision on whether to parent, adopt, or abort your pregnancy until 40 weeks.

It’s also important to find out some basic facts about your pregnancy such as gestational age, viability, and whether or not you have an STD.

Consider Your Options

When you find out you’re pregnant, you have three options for your pregnancy. You can carry to term and either parent yourself or parent via adoption, or you can have an abortion. Our team is here to support you as you weigh each option and think about which one is right for you.

You might be considering abortion, adoption, or raising the child yourself, and there are many things to consider with each one. It’s important to have all the information before you make your decision.

Talk With Someone You Trust

One of the best things you can do is to talk with someone you trust. That might be a friend, relative, or coworker, but it should be someone you can be honest with about how you’re feeling about your pregnancy.

Alpha Center is here to help you however we can, even if that’s just being a place where you can feel safe and comfortable. All of our services are 100% confidential. We also offer up to six free sessions of professional counseling.

Call Alpha Center

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and want more information about your options, contact Alpha Center today. We can walk you through what the options of abortion, adoption, and parenting plans can look like, and because our services are free, we have no financial interest in your decision.

Pregnancy can be an exciting and overwhelming experience, and if you’re unsure what to do or want to explore all of your options, connect with Alpha Center today. You can request an appointment online or call us at (970) 239-2272.

Last updated December 2023.

For More Information:

When Do I Take A Pregnancy Test?

Are Plan B and the Abortion Pill the Same Thing?

I’m Pregnant. How Far Along Am I?