Ectopic Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

If you watched Grey’s Anatomy’s first seasons, you may vaguely remember something about Christina Yang getting pregnant and then passing out in the operating room, subsequently requiring emergency surgery. When I first saw it, I remember thinking, “What is that about??” The answer? She suffered an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. As with most incidents on

Is The Abortion Pill Safer than Tylenol?

If you’re considering taking Plan C, also called the Medication Abortion Pill or RU486, you may have seen the claim that it is safer than taking Tylenol. You may have wondered—can that be true? We looked into it as a medical clinic that cares about your health. And the answer? In short: No. Reason #1:

Side Effects of the Abortion Pill

Side Effects of The Abortion Pill As with any medication, it is important to weigh the costs and benefits of taking mifepristone (the abortion pill) before making a decision about your pregnancy. What is mifepristone? Mifepristone is a drug that is approved by the FDA to block the pregnancy hormone, progesterone, from reaching the uterus,

Are Plan B and the Abortion Pill the Same Thing?

Q: Is the Abortion Pill the same thing as Plan B? A: The short answer is no, Plan B and Medication Abortions are not the same thing.  Plan B Plan B and RU-486 are made of different medications. Plan B is levonorgestrel 1.5 mg (a synthetic form of the pregnancy hormone progestin) and is used

When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

If you’re worried that you could be pregnant, when is it time to take a pregnancy test? Does it matter when you take it? Many assume that a pregnancy test doesn’t have to be timed to be correct, or that if they take many different kinds of tests they may get a different result. The

What Is Implantation Bleeding?

What is Implantation Bleeding? Implantation bleeding is a sign of early pregnancy and occurs after conception. Conception generally occurs in the fallopian tubes and the fertilized egg (embryo) then travels down into your uterus. At this point in your menstrual cycle, your uterus has prepared the lining to receive a possible embryo, and if you

I’m Pregnant. How Far Along Am I?

If you’ve received a positive pregnancy test but aren’t sure when your last period was (LMP), you can determine how far along you are by getting an ultrasound. If you’re wondering if you’re pregnant, take our pregnancy quiz here. Traditional Dating Generally, you can tell how far along you are by the date your last

What is a Pre-Abortion Screening?

What is a pre-abortion screening? If you’re unexpectedly pregnant, your mind may (understandably) be spinning. If you’re considering abortion as one of your options, getting a free pre-abortion screening at Alpha Center is a good way to see if abortion (whether medication or surgical) is right for you. Check out our pregnancy symptoms quiz. Why

Risks of Medication Abortion

Medical Abortion (sometimes known as RU-486, Plan C, Chemical Abortion, or Medication Abortion) is the purposeful ending of a pregnancy inup to 12 weeks gestation by taking a combination of two pills. The first, mifepristone, blocks all nutrients to the pregnancy and therefore causes the death of the fetus. Then, 24-48 hours later, misoprostol is

I Might Be Pregnant, Help!

  If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve either experienced some symptoms, your period is late, or you had unprotected sex and you’re overly cautious (trust us, we get it). If you’re wondering if you might be pregnant, here’s what to do next.   Consider the Timing: When was your last period and when did