Pre-Abortion Screening
We do not have any financial interest in your pregnancy decision, but we do care about your health. That is why we offer a free pre-abortion screening for those considering abortion for their unexpected pregnancies. You need answers to some very important questions before you take the next step. Find out more.
Pregnancy Testing
It is critical to test for pregnancy at the right time and in the right way. Be sure you are getting accurate results by coming to Alpha Center for free and confidential pregnancy testing. Our tests are lab quality and administered by one of our nurses. We can help you get the answers you need.
You may think a late period and a positive pregnancy test are all you need to prove pregnancy, but there is more. For instance, how do you know if the pregnancy is growing or if you have miscarried? Ultrasound answers three vital questions. With a positive pregnancy test from Alpha Center and a potential ultrasound, you'll get the answers you need.