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Have You Thought About Parenting?

No one is truly prepared to parent. It is a unique journey for everyone because children don’t come with manuals. We are here to provide the support, education, and encouragement you need if you choose parenting.

How Do I Know if I Can Parent?

Start with the hard questions first:

  • Will my parents or partner emotionally, physically, and financially support me? Knowing who is in your corner is the first step forward.
  • Can I support myself and my child on my own?
  • Where will I live?
  • Can I finish school or continue my job?
  • What community resources are available?

These questions and others get you started on finding solutions. Our staff can work closely with you to connect you with the resources and referrals you need in our area. You may be surprised to see the amount of community assistance available, too.

We Are Part of Your Support System

You do not have to parent alone. We offer various support services and assistance to help you parent successfully both before and after you give birth. You do not have to be a patient to access these services. Call 970.221.5121 to learn more.

Did You Know Our Community Assists Too?

The Department of Human Services offers support. You can be connected to free or low-cost healthcare, rental assistance, food banks, and more. WomenGive, a United Way of Larimer County program, provides financial aid through childcare scholarships to single mothers pursuing higher education.

Be The Gift is a local nonprofit in Colorado that assists single women with maintaining or repairing their homes. Many other organizations in Northern Colorado are ready and eager to support a single mother and her children.

You are not alone

Parenting may seem like something people always embark on intentionally. However, the CDC reports that nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned.

For more information about available assistance for women who choose to parent, request an appointment at Alpha Center. We believe in you and want to help you find the best choice for your future.