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Pregnancy Symptoms and Testing

Pregnancy Symptoms and Testing Nearly every woman knows the feeling. The uh oh. When your period is late, you get a weird symptom seemingly out of the blue, or you just feel off. You hastily open your period tracking app and dang, you forgot to track last month’s period. Maybe you take a pregnancy test,

Understanding and Managing Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis

When something feels off “down there,” it’s natural to wonder: Is it a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis (BV), or a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Both yeast infections and BV are forms of vaginitis, but their causes, symptoms, and treatments differ significantly. What is a Yeast Infection? A yeast infection (also called vaginal candidiasis or vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) by

I’m Pregnant. How Far Along Am I?

If you’ve received a positive pregnancy test but aren’t sure when your last period was (LMP), you can determine how far along you are by getting an ultrasound. If you’re wondering if you’re pregnant, take our pregnancy quiz here. Traditional Dating Generally, you can tell how far along you are by the date your last

What is a Pre-Abortion Screening?

What is a pre-abortion screening? If you’re unexpectedly pregnant, your mind may (understandably) be spinning. If you’re considering abortion as one of your options, getting a free pre-abortion screening at Alpha Center is a good way to see if abortion (whether medication or surgical) is right for you. Check out our pregnancy symptoms quiz. Why

Risks of Medication Abortion

Medical Abortion (sometimes known as RU-486, Plan C, Chemical Abortion, or Medication Abortion) is the purposeful ending of a pregnancy inup to 12 weeks gestation by taking a combination of two pills. The first, mifepristone, blocks all nutrients to the pregnancy and therefore causes the death of the fetus. Then, 24-48 hours later, misoprostol is

I Might Be Pregnant, Help!

  If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve either experienced some symptoms, your period is late, or you had unprotected sex and you’re overly cautious (trust us, we get it). If you’re wondering if you might be pregnant, here’s what to do next.   Consider the Timing: When was your last period and when did

Why You Should Get Tested for STDs

  Whether you went to the beach, the mountains, or stayed right here in Fort Collins, here’s hoping that the sunburns post spring break are minimal and that you were able to get some well-deserved rest! At Alpha Center, we know that it’s possible that you might have come back from Spring Break with a

Alpha Center Named Best STD Testing Facility in Fort Collins, Colorado by

  The community testing center offers free or low-cost care and a broad range of sexual health services Fort Collins, CO –, a trusted informational guide for medical lab testing and at-home screening, has announced Alpha Center among the best STD community testing centers in Fort Collins, Colorado. experts examined several facilities with

Frequently Asked Questions – RU486

  Frequently Asked Questions – RU486   After the FDA removed the in-person dispensing requirement of RU486 in December 2021(1), access to medical abortions has become easier for women as they can use a tele-health provider and certified pharmacy rather than an in-person visit with a prescriber.  At Alpha Center, we believe that an informed

Domestic Violence Resources – Alpha Center

***Please be aware that your online activity can be tracked. To quickly exit this page, click here or the exit button below. If you believe that your computer usage is being monitored, use a safer, public computer such as the library*** EXIT   As a medical clinic that cares for you, if you or someone