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Pregnancy Symptoms and Testing

Pregnancy Symptoms and Testing Nearly every woman knows the feeling. The uh oh. When your period is late, you get a weird symptom seemingly out of the blue, or you just feel off. You hastily open your period tracking app and dang, you forgot to track last month’s period. Maybe you take a pregnancy test,

Understanding and Managing Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis

When something feels off “down there,” it’s natural to wonder: Is it a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis (BV), or a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Both yeast infections and BV are forms of vaginitis, but their causes, symptoms, and treatments differ significantly. What is a Yeast Infection? A yeast infection (also called vaginal candidiasis or vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) by

Ectopic Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

If you watched Grey’s Anatomy’s first seasons, you may vaguely remember something about Christina Yang getting pregnant and then passing out in the operating room, subsequently requiring emergency surgery. When I first saw it, I remember thinking, “What is that about??” The answer? She suffered an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. As with most incidents on

Frequently Asked Questions – RU486

  Frequently Asked Questions – RU486   After the FDA removed the in-person dispensing requirement of RU486 in December 2021(1), access to medical abortions has become easier for women as they can use a tele-health provider and certified pharmacy rather than an in-person visit with a prescriber.  At Alpha Center, we believe that an informed