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Risks of Medication Abortion

Medical Abortion (sometimes known as RU-486, Plan C, Chemical Abortion, or Medication Abortion) is the purposeful ending of a pregnancy inup to 12 weeks gestation by taking a combination of two pills. The first, mifepristone, blocks all nutrients to the pregnancy and therefore causes the death of the fetus. Then, 24-48 hours later, misoprostol is

I Might Be Pregnant, Help!

  If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve either experienced some symptoms, your period is late, or you had unprotected sex and you’re overly cautious (trust us, we get it). If you’re wondering if you might be pregnant, here’s what to do next.   Consider the Timing: When was your last period and when did

Why You Should Get Tested for STDs

  Whether you went to the beach, the mountains, or stayed right here in Fort Collins, here’s hoping that the sunburns post spring break are minimal and that you were able to get some well-deserved rest! At Alpha Center, we know that it’s possible that you might have come back from Spring Break with a

Alpha Center Named Best STD Testing Facility in Fort Collins, Colorado by

  The community testing center offers free or low-cost care and a broad range of sexual health services Fort Collins, CO –, a trusted informational guide for medical lab testing and at-home screening, has announced Alpha Center among the best STD community testing centers in Fort Collins, Colorado. experts examined several facilities with

Is Abortion Legal in Colorado?

Disclaimer: The information in this post is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. Q: Is Abortion Legal in Colorado? A: Yes, abortion is legal up to 40 weeks gestation in Colorado.  Q: Does the Dobbs decision affect the legality of abortion in Colorado? A:

Frequently Asked Questions About Medication Abortion

Frequently Asked Questions about Medication Abortion What is the abortion pill? After the FDA removed the in-person dispensing requirement for medication abortion (also known as RU-486, the abortion pill, Plan C, or mifepristone) in December 2021, access to medical abortions has become easier for women as a number of websites and pharmacies were now allowed

Colorado Human Trafficking Resources

EXIT ***Please be aware that your online activity can be tracked. To quickly exit this page, click here or the exit button above If you believe that your computer usage is being monitored, use a safer, public computer such as the library*** As a medical clinic that cares for you, if you or someone close

Domestic Violence Resources – Alpha Center

***Please be aware that your online activity can be tracked. To quickly exit this page, click here or the exit button below. If you believe that your computer usage is being monitored, use a safer, public computer such as the library*** EXIT   As a medical clinic that cares for you, if you or someone

How to Tell if You Have an STD

At Alpha Center, we take pride in providing compassionate, exceptional medical care to those in need of routine STD screening. The truth is that all sexually active people are at risk for acquiring an STD. That’s why we provide free-of-charge STD testing and education on risk factors. If you are already showing signs or symptoms

Steps to Take Once You Find Out You’re Pregnant

While it can be very exciting to find out you’re pregnant, it can also be overwhelming or even terrifying. All of these reactions are normal. At Alpha Center in Fort Collins, we’re here to help you consider your options regarding your pregnancy and believe that the best decision is an informed decision. In this post,